Thursday, December 14, 2017

Looking for Joy

I was in St. Louis this past weekend visiting my family--my brother, Ronnie to be specific. Sometimes you have to look for joy anywhere you can find it!

Several family friends and cousins stopped by. That was fun--we don't see them often enough!
Janet and I went to the grocery store to pick up food for the masses!
Santa stopped by with one of his reindeer. I had Janet stand there so I could get this picture. It was only after that I turned around and realized that we totally cut the line! There were kids lined up to see santa and Donder! Ooops! The rest of our shopping trip was uneventful.

Here's a photo of me with both of my brothers:
We spent a lot of time reminiscing---brother Ronnie (left), who never wanted to do that---well, that's all he wants to do now. Just makes it sadder.

And then JOY came through the front door! I just love these two! They are so much fun to have around---especially at such a sullen time. They kept us entertained.
It took a little while for Josie to warm up to me. But, my Camp Aunt Barb did the trick. She remembered me. It wasn't long before she was saying "Aunt Barb!" when she wanted me to look at something. She sat on my lap and played with my poker money.

 Evie loves playing computer games with her grandpa.

When they were getting ready to leave, I was making over Evie's hat---telling her she was so darn cute! Josie came running, "Aunt Barb, Aunt Barb, see my hat!" She definitely did not want to be left out!

Joy indeed!

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