Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Everything Excites Me!

Have you noticed that I am an "exclamation point" type of girl? I use them ALL the time and sometimes more than one!!! Actually, I do think I "over-use" them! Not everything is that emphatic! But to me, just about everything is!!!

For me, life is pretty much like that. Every thing is exciting and makes me happy. I appreciate little things and show my excitement and exuberance---probably a little too much. I think I wear out my family and friends at times. I'm pretty upbeat and optimistic. Until I'm not. I have a few of those times too, but thankfully, not many. And for the things that I am not happy about, or that actually bring me down---I try to just push those out of my mind. Believe me, I could drag myself down very easily.

Instead, I choose happiness and a zest for life. That deserves FIVE exclamation points!!!!! Ya' just never know when things might change.

Do you choose happiness? It's all in the mind! And only you have control over that!


  1. I'm trying to be like you and most of the time I succeed!!!!

  2. Oh, yes, I like the exclamation point, too!! And lots of smiles :>) and laughter!

  3. Absolutely! I choose to be happy and upbeat and I also now (didn't used to) avoid people that make me unhappy. There are just so many wonderful things 'out there' that make me happy and I try to capture them with my camera, some of them get posted to my blog & I get to 'meet' people like you! I am also very fond of the exclamation mark!

  4. Oh yes!!! Joy is a choice is something I tell people :)

  5. I try! I really do try! Yes, I'm an exclamation mark user too. Sometimes I actually go back and look at what I've written and remove a couple because it looks a bit mad! Obviously I didn't just there...


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