Monday, September 19, 2011

Halloween Time

I have tons to report from London, but not the time to do it yet. This will have to hold you over. Before I left, I got my Halloween decorating done---over-achiever that I am. After all, it will be October when I get home. If I can't have it out a month, it's not worth it. I have a busy month, so now was the best time to get it done. I ended up being sick on Thursday which really cost me in the "time before a trip" department, but my plans on Friday didn't take as long as I thought, so I picked up a couple extra hours there. Just enough time.

 These are my needlepoint Halloween suckers I made. I bought the pumpkins for Nancy and I to put them in. She was just telling me that she had no idea where hers was. I told her I knew exactly where mine was. Well, I lied. It wasn't where I thought it was and couldn't find it. I ended up using this one, but it's a little too small. It'll have to do for this year.

 Every year I add a few new things to the arrangement. It never looks the same way twice because I don't refer to the pictures from the previous year. I can never remember how it was.

Here is a close up of the needlepoint pillow I made. It's pretty cool. The witch is a chandelier.

Tomorrow I'll get to reporting on our travels.

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