Friday, March 27, 2009

Life's Little Aggravations

And I've had a week of them. I won't bore you with all of them, but I do have to share this story. Actually, what you will learn is that I am probably my very own worse source for aggravation.

I'm doing a 4 week workshop called: Making the Most of My Memories. Last week, I started writing up my class hand-outs. On Tuesday, I'm typing along in Word, actually feeling pretty proud of myself. There are some things I've written that sound downright profound! Like I really do have good thoughts worth writing down. 

At this point, I should add that I am unfamiliar with Word although I've had it for several years. I prefer Appleworks as it seems more user-friendly to me and I've been using it for 20 years. My computer guy, Troy told me that since Apple now has Word, they have discontinued Appleworks and I better get used to it. So, I've been making a real effort to use it. 

As I said, I was typing along in Word when all of a sudden, I got a thousand little blue paragraph symbols all over the place. I started freaking out because I was already on page 13 of my project. I told myself to calm down. So, I thought, "okay, I'll just copy the whole thing into a new document." When I did that, the friggin' little blue paragraph symbols copied too. Then I said, "okay, it's going to take an hour, but I'll just delete them one-by-one." Now I'm having deja vu of the tv convertor box and all that repetitive stuff (if you are new to my blog, see "Electronic Problems Get Me Charged Up" in the January archives). I started at the top and tried to delete those little blue guys. Those suckers would NOT delete. Now I'm getting myself worked up again. I just can't re-type 13 single-spaced pages! I sent an emergency email to a couple friends that also have Macs. Now I realize that all I needed to do was talk to a Word user. I didn't think of that then.

I'm calmly trying to figure out what to do. I'm looking all over the place on my computer when I see this little grey paragraph symbol on the menu bar. I clicked on it and "voila", all the blue guys went away. Apparently, I must have accidentally clicked on that to begin with.

I would say that I easily wasted 20 minutes with this little "problem". I have so much to learn. I just wish everything wasn't so darn aggravating.

Oh, and did I mention that the pool has another leak and half (slight exaggeration) of the new tile has fallen off?

1 comment:

  1. I may have to back out of this workshop if you've typed over 13 pages!


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