Monday, February 5, 2007

The Wonders of the Internet

Last week, I was on the way to a consulting job in Old Hickory. After crossing Lebanon Road, I was stopped by a metro police officer. He said that he clocked me doing 44 in a 30. I looked a little puzzled as I thought the speed limit was 40. Well, as it turned out, there is a very small stretch (about 1/4 mile) where the speed limit does change from 40 to 30 and then back to 40 again. As the officer gave me the ticket, he told me about my options. One of those is attending Safety School online! I'm so happy to take the easy way out! I called today to register. It's expensive---$65.00, but I can take care of it in the comfort of my own home. The course is 2 hours and the log in time is monitered. I have 30 days to do it and take the test afterwards. I haven't done it yet, but hope to get it out of the way this week. Isn't this whole internet thing amazing?

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